Boyd Baker House
305-307 Long Forest Road
Long Forest- Bacchus Marsh

General Location

Located in the Long Forest Flora Reserve, Long Forest/ Bacchus Marsh Victoria approximately 45 kilometres west of the CBD, Melbourne. Melways reference is map 112 D7.

It is located on the western side of the Long Forest Road shortly before Canopus Circuit.
From Melbourne CBD
Please take the West Gate Freeway, west of the CBD. Cross the West Gate Bridge. Go past the Millers Road exit. Go past the Grieve Parade exit. Then go past the Boundary Road exit. Shortly thereafter veer left from the Western Ring Road onto the Deer Park By Pass towards Ballarat (Melways Ref 39H4). This will turn into the Western Highway. Travel westwards on the Western Highway.

To Long Forest
Travel along the Western Highway. Go past Caroline Springs, and Melton. The new Freeway has now opened which bypasses Long Forest.  Sections of the old Western Highway (at Anthony’s Cutting) will be closed to through traffic whilst the connection to Long Forest is completed.  You will therefore need to turn left where you see the sign which says HOPETOUN PARK.  You will follow this road which winds around and connects onto the Old Western Highway.  Once you get the Old Western Highwayyou turn left then immediately Right at the Long Forest Roadand Lake Merrimu turn off. You travel some kilometres along Long Forest Road.

To Boyd Baker House
Approximately half way between the Western Highway and Diggers Rest/ Coimadai Road and shortly past an 80-kph sign on the road you will see a dirt road on the left. There will be a gate with a sign showing the number 307 on it. Another sign on the gate says, “slippery when wet”. The gate is open. You will not see the number 305 on the gate. The gate will only show the number 307. This is the private road towards the Boyd Baker House. Immediately opposite this dirt road is a ranch style agistment property. The private road is dirt only and is quite slippery when wet.  Travel very slowly along the road and avoid any potholes, as there is surface water along this dirt road when wet. As this is part of the Long Forest Flora Reserve it is a requirement that the environment be kept as natural as possible.

Track to houses
You travel approximately 500 metres along this dirt road, (which is a winding dirt road), until you come to a fork in the road. Please follow parking signs.